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Sa 11:00-16:00 Uhr

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Monica Hansebakken - Winterscapes



Monica Hansebakken


Chamonix III


Acryl auf Holz / acryl on board






4.600,00 EUR

Monica Hansebakken - Winterscapes

Monica Hansebakken – Winterscapes

1974 in Etnedalen, Norwegen geboren

Monika Hansebakken

Einmalige Landschaft, Geschichte und Tradition stehen im Mittelpunkt der Werke. Die Acrylgemälde sind „norwegisch“ geprägt: Dunkel, leuchtend und kraftvoll. Die Motive in der Ausstellung Winterscapes zeigen oft eine norwegische Fjord-Landschaft, jedoch sind sie nicht romantisch, eher Selbstportraits. Aber der Blick darauf ist verfremdet durch zwei Holzflächen in traditioneller Acanthus-Schnitzerei, so dass nur ein Ausschnitt der Landschaft sichtbar wird. Acanthus entstand in der Renaissance, bekam ihre jetzige Formen im norwegischen Barock und hat heute ihren festen Platzt in der Handwerkstradition.

In ihren geschnitzten und gemalten Werken setzt die Künstlerin Silhouetten von Figuren aus Werken von Altmeistern z.B. der Renaissance ein oder der Geschichte Norwegens mit ihren starken Frauen. Historisch gesehen hat die Frau eine ebenso starke Rolle wie der Mann. Die Silhouette der Frau symbolisiert die norwegische Heldin Prilar Guri. Sie stand im Jahre 1612 allein auf einem Berg, gekleidet in Nationaltracht, durch ihr langes blondes Haar wehte der Wind. Sie hatte ein Horn bei sich, auf dem sie blies, um die Bauern vor drohender Gefahr zu warnen. In den Bildern von Monica Hansebakken spannt sich ein Bogen zwischen Tradition und Moderne.

Text about works 2008, Monica Hansebakken.

My works are acrylic paintings on wood. Building on lines and forms from real places, the works explore the aesthetic possibilities inside a motive. I develop these works by subtly integrating different elements such as areas of carved ornamental patterns or silhouettes of people into each painting. The carved ornamental pattern, acanthus, hints at my Norwegian roots and is well known in Norway. It has been used by many different cultures throughout the centuries in different variations.

Silhouettes of people found in these works remind of famous art works from Art History. The way I use them however means they can be any one, any place at any time and may appear combined or used individually - to become a more or less visible part of nature. Nature is also not just an external dimension in my work. My “landscapes” become an external projection of the self and act as a symbol for internal landscapes or emotions. In this way the works can also be seen as a form of self portrait.

Other ideas in these works build on elements in them and hint at man's relationship to nature and how man symbolically becomes a part of nature. In others man-made patterns may be used to represent nature. This visual language is rooted in my upbringing in rural Norway. Nature forms an important part of Norwegian tradition and is an important part of my sense of self. My works combine these ideas with a creative, analytical approach. The works are not romantic landscapes but do reflect my experience of having lived in two almost opposing environments, country and city. They combine natural settings, nature and its mythology with the city and its search for reinventing itself. The resulting works exhibit aesthetic qualities of urban landscapes – crisp, planned, structured, clean – overlaid into natural settings.


M.F.A., Slade School of Fine Art. London. Sept. 2000 - July 2002

B.A., Fine Art, Staffordshire University. Stoke-on-Trent, England. Sept. 1996 - July 2000

Stryke-jernet – Painting. Oslo, Norway. Sept. 1995 - July 1996

Nansen skolen – Painting, Drawing, Photography. Lillehammer, Norway. Sept. 1994 - July 1995

VK TFF, Nybu VDG – Drawing, Form, Colour. Lillehammer. Sept. 1991 - July 1992

GK TFF, Dokka VDG – Foundation, Drawing, Form, Colour. Dokka, Norway. Sept. 1990 - July 1991

Selected Exhibitions


Raab Galerie. Berlin, Germany. 2009

Kunstverein für den Rhein-Sieg-Kreis e.V. Siegburg, Germany. 2008

Galerie Josef Nisters. Speyer, Germany. 2008

Galleri A Minor. Oslo, Norway. 2007

Usedomer Kunsthaus “Villa Meyer”. Zinnowitz, Germany. 2007

Goethe Institut. Frankfurt, Germany. 2007

Haus der Stadtgeschichte Museum, Offenbach, Germany. 2007

White & Case LLP. Frankfurt. 2007-2009

Synart Art Gallery. Frankfurt. 2006

LHB International Handelsbank AG. Frankfurt. 2006

Patrizierhaus Museum. Meissen, Germany. 2006

Kunstverein „Die Triedler“. Frankenthal, Germany. 2006

Synart Art Gallery. Frankfurt. 2005

Galleri A Minor. Oslo. 2005

Deutsche-Norwegische Handelskammer. Oslo. 2005

Synart Art Gallery. Frankfurt. 2004

The Gallery. St Albans, England. 2002

The Changing Room Gallery. London. 1999

Montserrat. El Bruck, Spain. 1996


Art Galerie 7. Cologne, Germany. 2009

Galerie Josef Nisters. Speyer. 2008

Galerie Bengelsträter. Iserlohn, Germany. 2008

Herbstsalon der FJK, Bad Homburg, Germany. 2008

ART.FAIR 21 with Art Galerie 7. 2008

Galleri A Minor. Oslo, Norway. 2007

Galerie Josef Nisters. Speyer. 2007

Quartalsaustellung Hollfelder Kulturfreunde. Hollfeld, Germany. 2007

Galleri A Minor. Oslo. 2006

Mixed Exhibitions (continues)

Ausstellungshalle. Frankfurt. 2006

Internationale Hollfelder Kunstausstellung. Hollfeld. 2006

Synart Art Gallery. Frankfurt. 2005

Synart Art Gallery. Frankfurt. 2004

Bettie Morton Gallery. London. 2002

Brixton Art Gallery. London. 2000

The Studio. London. 1999

Atkinson Gallery. Southport, England. 1999

Art-Link Exchange. Hull, England. 1999

Mabon Fine Art Gallery, Drawing Exhibition. Crewkerne, England. 1999

Gallery Blue. Hamar, Norway. 1995

Gallery 2b. Lillehammer. 1995


Offenbach am Main City Collection.

LHB International Handelsbank AG, Frankfurt.

Frankfurt am Main City Collection.


Internationale Hollfelder Kunstpreis/Exhibition. Hollfeld. 2006

Bustenskjolds Ærespris. Etnedal, Norway. 2004


Atelier Frankfurt, „Open Doors“ 2008

Herbstsalon der FJK, Bad Homburg, 2008

Internationale Hollfelder Kunstausstellung. Hollfeld. 2006


Haus der Stadtgeschichte Museum Exhibition, Offenbach - opened 2007

2007 Night of Museums, Frankfurt and Offenbach”

Solo Exhibition at Villa Meyer as part of Usedomer Musikfestival arranged 2007
with and support of Norwegian Embassy in Berlin, Germany

Radio interview NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Company) Oppland region 2007
with 2007 Oslo exhibition


Foerdergemeinschaft Junger Kunst. Bad Honnef, Germany. since 2004


Inner Landscapes” Podcast/Short Video Interview by einfallsreich.tv (German and English) 2007

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